Dogs and cats age far quicker than humans, it is even more crucial for our companion animals to receive regular examinations. We have all heard the rule of thumb that dogs age 5-7 years for 1 human year… therefore an annual comprehensive wellness exam means that your pet has not been seen for 5-7 years! That is why we have created our wellness club. The club is designed so that we could see your pet every 6 months to perform a comprehensive wellness exam and diagnostic testing to establish a baseline for your pet and to spot possible issues earlier in their development. There are no membership fees or monthly payments, but there is an overall cost savings of greater than $200 a year in examinations and diagnostic testing fees as a club member.
The wellness club schedule begins with your pet’s comprehensive wellness examination, vaccinations, fecal, deworming and heartworm test which would be part of a conventional standard pet care for members and non-members. The benefit of the wellness club is the second “COMPLIMENTARY” comprehensive wellness exam 6 months later, as well as a complete diagnostic testing panel at a “DISCOUNTED” affordable price (see below). This now allows us to examine your pet twice a year and monitor their internal organs and metabolic health while saving money!
Club Member Price
Comprehensive examination……..included
Complete blood count………………..included
Internal organ chemistry panel…..included
Thyroid levels……………………………..included
Total- $175
Non-Club Member Price
Comprehensive examination……..$59
Complete blood count………………..$65
Internal organ chemistry panel…..$125
Thyroid levels……………………………..$70
Total $374
53% Total Savings Off Non-Member Price!